—and her husband
everyone. Let me introduce myself. You all may know me as “friend”, or “mutual
friend” or even “friend of the family”. There are only a chosen few of you,
that know my real name and what part I play in this relationship, but that is
about to change with this blog.
name is Marcello. I will not give my last name. No offense, but I do have
family back in Napoli. LOL!
am the very best friend of Guiseppe, Stephanie Williams’ husband. We have known
each other for over 35 years. I have known Stephanie for 22 years. Guiseppe
introduced me to her the second year he knew her.
was smitten.
were just good friends at the time. At least that’s what Stephanie kept telling
herself. Guiseppe wanted more, but kept their relationship on a pure friendship
basis. He was a bit, how you say…. frustrated. It was funny watching them
together and Guiseppe trying everything to get her to see him as more than a
on the other hand, made my move. And she turned me down too. I couldn’t figure
her out. She was so…so proper. Maybe that’s not the right word. But she would
not date either one of us—then.
me, she said I was too freaky. Not in looks, but she had this in her mind that
I did odd things in bed and I would not be faithful. Not true on either. I don’t know where she got that from.
She said I just looked it.
know what that means to this day. I’m an average looking Southern Italian.
Tall. Okay, Not all Italians are tall. I work out. My hair is longer than
average and black. My eyes are not your normal what you think Italian eyes are.
They are blue.
that sound freaky?
well. My definition of freaky and hers may not be the same.
no ones surprise, a couple of decades later, the two dated, then two years
after that married. I was the best man. I was honored to be a part of their
wedding. I am also honored to be a part of their lives now.
relationship is not complicated as some might think.
loves Stephanie very much. He will lie, steal, cheat and kill for her.
so will I. You see, I love her too.
her ménage books. You’ll get it.
you read from Guiseppes’ blog, Stephanie researched the ménage a trois
lifestyle for her books, for months.
joked around with her, making her feel uncomfortable. But Guiseppe and I
enjoyed it. She didn’t know if we were being jokers. Pulling her leg as you
let it drop for a while.
she started writing ménages. She has a few books now and several waiting to get
unlike some books out there, her characters do not go through the motions. I
mean, they are not having sex with each other for sex sake. They have a deep
relationship beyond the bedroom. I think her ménage books are strong with
character development.
hard to write about I think, since most readers I believe want to read about
the kinky sex. Maybe I’m wrong, but I have read other ménage books and they are
not a deep as hers. Okay, I admit, I am biased, but I’m honest.
maybe asking, if Stephanie comes to me for advise when writing these stories.
She does. What she wants from me however is different from what she wants from
her husband. And I mean that in more ways than one.
I will not go into that.
will always be the third partner brought into a committed relationship. So
those are the questions she asks. For example, “How would you feel if another
man asks you to sleep with her girlfriend/wife? And do you have to already have
to have a relationship with them?
this coming from personal experience? I think you as the reader can figure that
and I are of the same mind, however we each bring something different to
Stephanie in a way of research.
can always come to me and ask anything that has to do with physical love. But
she can also come to me when it comes to emotions too. Doesn’t that play a role
in a ménage too?
her husband, my best friend, mind this relationship we have?
encouraged it. He is a confidant man when it comes to his relationship with
Stephanie. And he trusts for me to take care of her when he is not there or
unable to. You may interpret that as you feel so. But that’s all you need to
does Stephanie feel about me? She allowed me into her life, into her home and
into her heart. And I think as a friend I could not ask for anything more.
find out more about this lovely woman go to her blog:
Her Ménage Books:

As I sit here in front of my laptop after reading your post, I try to think of what to say when I realize I am blushing and can't type...or how to word it...hahahaha
Dang, did it get hotter in here all of a sudden?" ~Gets up to see if my heat is on~
Okay I'm back. It must be me so I'll continue. *grins* I loved - loved - loved reading this post.
Allowing us into your life, Marcello as well as Stephanie and her husband. It is moving to hear the two very important men in her life and how you two adore and worship Stephanie in more ways than one. *winks*
To have one, let alone two, in ones life is rare and I have to say, Marcello, you sound like a dream. *snickers*
I hope to hear more on your, Stephanie and her husband's journey. Thank you.
Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my guy's posts. I think I will do one, commenting on their observations and how I feel about our "arrangement".
It's interesting to say the least. And I do feel very lucky. :)
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